Is there a secret to being able to raise this many children? Seriously! How do people do it? If I had this many kids, we would be lucky to show up half dressed with our teeth brushed to our family photos. And I mean LUCKY! I can barely get my 2 kids ready just to go outside and play in the dirt each day.
I found myself in awe of this family. Like literally. I was kinda speechless. AND THEN I found out that this amazing mama made all of their outfits. YES PEOPLE she made them ALL!!! Once, I tried to make Turner some PJ pants and they ended up small enough to fit our 9 lb miniature wiener dog. How that happened I will never know. :)
On a serious note, this mom is expecting her 7th baby very soon. She was diagnosed with a very serious pregnancy condition called placenta accreta and I know she is in the prayers of many many people including myself. I found it only fitting to spend one-on-one shooting time with mom and each of her babies. Any mom who is successfully raising almost 7 kids deserves the world!
Lot's of love to this family! It was a pleasure spending a little time getting to know you. :) :)
Beautiful photos Talia!